Go Program for String Case Conversion

Go Program for String Case Conversion

In Go programming, Built in strings package has ToUpper and ToLower functions to get all the string data in lower or upper case characters.

Need to import strings package in go program to use ToUpper and ToLower functions to convert the string case.

ToUpper function is used to get all the string data in upper case characters.

package main                                                               	 
import (                                                                   	 
func main() {                                                              	 
	var str1, str2 string                                                  	 
	str1 = "CodingPointer.com!"                                            	 
// converts string str1 in upper case and assigns to 	str2
	str2 = strings.ToUpper(str1)                                           	 
	fmt.Printf("Upper Case '%s': %s\n", str1, str2)                        	 
$ go build string-upper.go
$ ./string-upper
Upper Case 'CodingPointer.com!': CODINGPOINTER.COM!

ToLower function is used to get all the string data in lower case characters.

package main                                                               	 
import (                                                                   	 
func main() {                                                              	 
	var str1, str2 string                   
	str1 = "CodingPointer.com!"                          

       // converts string str1 in lower case and assigns to str2     
	str2 = strings.ToLower(str1)        
	fmt.Printf("Lower Case '%s': %s\n", str1, str2)                 
$ go build string-lower.go
$ ./string-lower
Lower Case 'CodingPointer.com!': codingpointer.com!